गृह मन्त्रालय

अध्यागमन विभाग

अध्यागमन कार्यालय, त्रिभुवन अन्तर्राष्ट्रिय विमानस्थल


गृह मन्त्रालय

अध्यागमन विभाग

अध्यागमन कार्यालय, त्रिभुवन अन्तर्राष्ट्रिय विमानस्थल


EN न्यून व्यान्डविथ Invert Color A- A A+

भिसा जानकारी 2075-10-27

Visa Information

Tribhuvan International Airport is the only international airport of Nepal. Immigration Office, TIA has been facilitating Foreigner flying to Nepal by providing Visa on Arrival.


  • Visas of all kinds including ‘Gratis’ issued at the Airport are Tourist Visas.
  • Contact Department of Immigration for extending your visa or changing the category of your visa.
  • Tourist Visa extension can be done from Immigration Office, Pokhara too.
  • Non tourist visa extension can be done only at Department of Immigration (if eligible) for a period of maximum one year (except business visa).



Classification of Entry VISA

VISA Classification


Transit Visa

1 Days (24 hours)

Tourist VISA

15 Days / 30 Days /90 Days

Gratis (Tourist) VISA

Children below 10 years 

SAARC Citizen (except Afghanistan)

Non Residential Nepalese (NRN) card holder

Chinese Nationals

Visa Waiver / Exemptions

Official, Diplomatic, Service passport holders from following:-

1. China            2. Brazil            3. Russia

4. Thailand        5. Mangolia       6. Myanmar

7. Vietnam        8. Combodia





Tourist Visa


Please follow these simple procedures for Tourist Visa on Arrival at the airport (TIA). Visas obtained on Arrival at the Entry and Exit points are 'Tourist Visas'.  They bear multiple Re-Entry facility. Tourist Visa 'On Arrival' is the only entry visa to Nepal. 'On Arrival' visa procedure is very quick and simple.


Elligble Person

Tourist Visa - All Nationalites except 'Prohibition to Visa on Arrival'

Transit Visa -Foreign nationals having a transit in Nepal can obtain Transit Visa to enter into the country to spend a night (24 hours) by producing a proof of transit.


Prohibition to Visa on Arrival

Foreign Nationals (except officials and diplomatic passport holders) of following 12 countries are requested to obtain Tourist visa from Nepalese diplomatic mission (Embassies and Consulates) prior to their departure to Nepal.

  1. Nigeria
  2. Ghana
  3. Zimbabwe
  4. Swaziland
  1. Cameroon
  2. Somalia
  3. Liberia
  4. Ethiopia
  1. Iraq
  2. Palestine
  3. Afghanistan
  4. Syria

     13. Refugees with travel document




Visa Period and Facility

Maximum 150 Days in 1 year (Count from 1st Decemeber to 30 December), Visa has multiple Re-Entry facility.




Fill in 'Arrival Information' Form

Table at lobby




Fill in Online ‘Tourist Visa ‘form

  • Using Kiosk machines at the airport
  • You can fill form using official website http://online.nepalimmigration.gov.np/
  • Immigration area is free wifi area

At Lobby

Get submission Receipt



Make payment 

On Arrival Visa Fee

  • Transit - 5 USD
  • 15 Days - 30 USD
  • 30 Days - 50 USD
  • 90 Days - 125 USD

At Bank Counter

Get the Payment receipt



Proceed to the Immigration

Please Present the following documents:-

  • Passport, Boarding Pass
  • Arrival Information Form
  • Visa Application form Receipt
  • Payment receipts

Immigration Counter

  • 3 to 4 -Transit/ 90 Days
  • 5 to 14 -15/30 Days

Get Pasted visa sticker with Arrived Stamp

Gratis Visa (Visa for Free)


Visa Facility

Gratis Visa is issued free of cost to the elligble catagories of Visa applicants.


Visa Elligblity and Period


Children below 10 years

SAARC Citizen (except Afghanistan)  

Non Residential Nepalese (NRN) card holder

Chinese Nationals

Up to 150 Days

Up to 30 Days

Up to 90 Days

Up to 150 Days

Afghan citizen are eligible for Gratis Visa on Arrival only upon the recommendation of Department of Immigration. If you are an Afghan citizen, you can request concerned institution inviting you to Nepal for necessary paperwork with Department of Immigration to get you Gratis Visa 'On Arrival'.

Valid Non Residential Nepalese (NRN) card holder issued by MoFA/Nepalese diplomatic missions abroad. Visa Period will extend from department of immigration.






Fill in 'Arrival Information' Form

Table at lobby




Fill in Visa Form

  • Visa Form (Paper Form)
  • Using Kiosk machines at the airport
  • You can fill form using official website http://online.nepalimmigration.gov.np/
  • Immigration area is free wifi area

At Lobby

Get submission Receipt



Proceed to the Immigration

Please Present the following documents:-

  • Passport, Boarding Pass
  • Arrival Information Form
  • Visa Application form Receipt

Immigration Counter

  • Counter No 1 - Chinese National
  • Counter No 2, 3 - Other

Get Pasted visa sticker with Arrived Stamp




Visa Waiver / Exemptions (Do not need Entry Visa)


Visa Elligible

Diplomatic and Official or Service Passport holders of the listed countries are exempted from the visa requirement to enter and stay in Nepal. Listed countries are:- China, Brazil, Russia, Thailand, Mangolia, Myanmar, Vietnam and Combodia.




Fill in 'Arrival Information' Form

Table at lobby




Fill in Visa Form

  • Visa Form (Paper Form)
  • Using Kiosk machines at the airport
  • You can fill form using official website http://online.nepalimmigration.gov.np/
  • Immigration area is free wifi area

At Lobby

Get submission Receipt



Proceed to the Immigration

Please Present the following documents:-

  • Passport, Boarding Pass
  • Arrival Information Form
  • Visa Application form Receipt

Immigration Counter

  • Counter No 21

Get Pasted visa sticker with Arrived Stamp


Foreigner with VISA

You can also consider getting Visa from Nepalese Diplomatic Missions stationed abroad prior to your arrival.  



Fill in 'Arrival Information' Form

Table at lobby




Proceed to the Immigration

Please Present the following documents:-

  • Passport, Boarding Pass
  • Arrival Information Form
  • Visa Application form Receipt

Immigration Counter

  • Counter No 15 & 16

Get Pasted visa sticker with Arrived Stamp



पछिल्लो अपडेट गरिएको : 2024-03-27 20:35:34 20:35:34
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